Saturday, November 12, 2011

2011 ARBA Cnovention

Our first ever convention
We just went to watch and take it all in
23,000 Rabbits

Chin dutch
Rabbit Hopping

Youth displays
Flemish Giants
 Dutch judging
Can't get away from those flemish

Dutch waiting to be judged
Fluffy bunnies
We snuck over to the cat show

And the poultry show
It was a super fun weekend!

Barn Shots

Nelson's 11N48

Blue Doe
Nelson's 9N90 x Nelson's 9N88
D.O.B. 6/4/11
8th blue jr doe at ARBA convention 2011


Blue Buck
Hume's Blue x Hume's Brit
D.O.B. 10/8/09
Holds 2 G.C. legs
Thank You Nancy and Emily Mason

Lape's CDG221

Gray Buck
Megan's M794 x Lape's CDG154
D.O.B. 4-12-11
4th place gray senior buck 2012 National Dutch Show


Gray Doe
Hooper's KG732 x Gerhart's AG26
D.O.B. 2-13-11
Holds 1 G.C. leg
5th place sr gray doe at 2012 National Dutch Show 2012
littermate sister to AG34


Gray Doe
Hooper's KG732 x Gerhart's AG26
D.O.B. 2-13-11
Holds 1 G.C. leg
BOB at Xenia show fall 2011
9th gray senior doe ARBA convention 2011
littermate sister to milkshake